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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Citrix Access Gateway VPX 5.0.4 with Citrix Receiver 3.1

I was able to setup Citrix Access Gateway VPX 5.0.4 using Webinterface 5.4. Using the following link:

I wanted to be able for my iPhone, Android phone, or Citrix Receiver 3.1 to access my applications as well. So I created the following directions. This is for XenDesktop 5.5 and XenApp 6.5

Note: This document assumes you have setup a SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority on your Citrix Access Gateway.

First you need to create a new XenApp Services Site. Log onto the server that has Citrix Web Interface installed. Now create a new XenApp Services Site:

Click Next then Click Next Again and Next Again. You will get a Creating Site progress window. Then you will see a Finished screen. Click next to specify initial configuration:

Enter your farm name and enter the servers in the farm. Click Next select the resource type you will use. I am using Online. Click Next. Then Click Finish.

Now click on your new site and click Secure Access to edit your secure access settings.

Change it to Gateway Direct and click next

Enter your Citrix Access Gateway Fully Qualified Domain Name and click next.

Enter your Citrix server that has secure ticket authority running. This could be your XenDesktop Delivery Controller.
Click Finished. Now the basic settings are setup on your web interface. Time to configure your Citrix Access Gateway.

Login into the admin section of your Citrix Access Gateway

Create a new login Point. Call it whatever you want I called it Receiver. Change Type to Basic and then check the box authenticate with Web Interface. Now click on Website Configuration.

Now enter the web interface address of your webinterface and the new XenApp Services Sites url.
You must create the /PNAgent and the PNAgent/config.xml for it to work.
Click Save then Click Save Again.
Now click on “XenApp or XenDesktop”.

Enter the IP Address Range of your XenApp and XenDesktop servers. You will need to create a ICA and Session reliability rule for each range of IPs.

Once you are done click on “Secure Ticket Authority”

Enter the fully qualified domain name for your Citrix server that has the Secure Ticket Authority running on it. You can use your XenDesktop 5.5 desktop delivery controller. Click ok now you are done with with Citrix Access Gateway configuration.

Next is to configure the Citrix Client. I opened up my Citrix Receiver and clicked Add Account

You can call this account anything you want. Enter the URL of your Citrix Access Gateway then add http/ and your Citrix  Web Interface URL pointing to the new XenAPp Services Site you just created. See Example below.


  1. This is a great article. I'd struggled with this for a while now - the correct format of the Account URL was the final missing piece for me. Thanks!

  2. This is the first place I've seen this mentioned (the need to add the http/ and web interface url part)...amazing!

    Still a little mind boggling that we cant access it as a native services site from the iPad Citrix Reciever...

  3. server is currently unavailable :(
    via WI is everything allright

  4. Hi,

    Really useful blogpost, thanks. One possible improvement. At the end of the process the users can actaully use the address:

    which will auto redirect to

    This makes it a bit easier for users to setup their device and mean you don't have to expose the internal web address...
