I was having Citrix XenApp 6 performance issues on published desktops while playing video with HDX Flash Redirect disabled. Also using a Wyse Xenith the performance was awful. After checking everything twice and making sure progressive display was enabled. I was still getting bad performance. While watching a video in full screen I was experiencing 1 frame every second if that. I thought there might of been a issue with Citrix XenApp running on top of VMware vSphere ESXi 4.1 Update 1. Currently I allocated 4 VCPUs and 8GB of RAM to each of my Citrix XenApp servers.
I decided to install XenApp 6 on a physical server and create a new desktop group to test against. On the physical server the performance was great. I couldn't figure out what was going on so I looked at the settings of each of the deployed virtual desktops. On the physical desktop under Advanced Settings Audio Settings, the box Enable Legacy Audio was checked. I checked the box on the desktop group running on the virtual servers and the performance was great.
So the moral of the story is if your performance on Citrix XenApp 6 sucks for video and flash make sure the Enable Legacy Audio is enabled on your Published Desktop.